
GenRex - Say You'll Haunt Me

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For your average person, ghost stories were a matter of life, every place inevitably had one. Hotels would try to take advantage of this fact, using this supposed haunting idea to pull in more people. But in some places, ghost stories held little appeal or benefit.

One of those places was Providence.

A section of the building had been secreted behind tarpaulin for over a year, it had been gutted in a major fire. A few people had died, but mercifully most had gotten out in time. Since then, it had been tarped over, while behind these ghostly sheets of plastic, repair crews slowly fixed it up month by month.

Re-fitting ALL the wiring, bringing in new equipment, ingratiating a full-blown fire system with sprinklers and the most modern detection system. Nobody wanted to see a repeat of the tragedy.

But it was still only billed as a minor priority by White Knight. The way he saw it, they had enough room and labs to keep going without it until it was finished, there was no hurry.

But by some bizzare co-incidence, the finish date was set to be just after halloween, the celebration of all things scary.


Rex was grinning like a loon when he finally met up with his handler.

"What?" Six asked irratably.

"Partyy~" Rex said happily. Six shook his head. He'd seen the posters on his way to the kitchen that morning, but had chosen to ignore them. But he recalled they'd been advertising some sort of "halloween dance party", fancy dress a definite option.

"It's not for days Rex.." six said abruptly "so don't start pestering me about it now."

"Party pooper!" Rex shot back, but he still looked pleased. He'd already invited Noah, and Noah in turn, had invited some girls from his school...which hopefully meant an awesome party.

Holiday was also treated to the teens infectious enthusiasm. She noted Six's morose expression and smiled warmly, speaking to him while Rex clambered onto the scanner.

"I take it youre not interested in this party thing?"

He raised one eyebrow, expression unchanged "not remotely."

"Shame.." she chuckled "halloween partys are always fun...people get to dress stupid, goof off....get drunk..wait no, that was MY halloween parties when i was his age.." she nodded at Rex.

"You...drunk?" Rex chuckled from inside the scanner "that must've been funny!"

"It freinds found me talking to a potted plant one time, i was so bladdered.."

Explosive giggling resounded from the scanner as Rex digested this.

Six made a funny sound, that Holiday chose to beleive was a laugh, and smiled at him again before turning back to the scanners.

"All done.." she announced, as Rex hopped off the scanner.

"Lets go!" Rex cheered, hightailing it out the door. Six sighed, then almost reluctantly, followed him.

Holiday smiled sadly. She got the impression Six had missed out on a lot during his upbringing. He showed no reaction when faced with social niceities such as parties. He attended the ones White Knight threw, but she noticed he always stuck to the shadows so to speak, always standing away from anyone else.

She wandered off into a daydream, wishing she could persuade him to go to the party with her..


They were halfway down the hallway when they heard shouting, followed by the sound of something squealing in annoynace.

Rex and Six stopped in time to avoid being knocked over by an escaping EVO, looking a bit like an oversized rat as it ran by them.

"Get that thing!" someone shouted.

"We'll handle it!" Rex chipped in, running after it before Six could stop him. So with a sigh, he raced after the teenager.

Thier chase took them into the deserted, unopened wing. The rat had torn a hole in the tarp, escaping into the still cluttered maze of corridors and rooms.

"Split up," Six commanded, pointing down the hall, Rex ran off, leaving Six alone in the silence.

He crept along, unfolding the twin swords normally hidden up his suit sleeves. They reflected the dim light, their wielders footsteps soudless as he crept along.

Deep in the slumbering darkness something stirred, awoken by the sound, by a sounded so familiar..

Six heard something rattle and spun round, squinting into the depest shadow. Beyond a half-open door, something moved.

"Gotcha!" he hissed, slipping through the gap and vaulting the lab table, landing on the other side, swords raised to attack..

...nothing.  There was nothing there. He frowned.

Then he felt the air arround him chill, turning arctic in a few seconds. He shivered, looking in all directions. Nothing there. Was the central heating on the blink?

Then he heard a heart-rending sob.

It was from behind him. He spun around, not sure how to explain the sight.

A woman was standing in front of him. She had her head buried in her hands, and it was she that was creating the unhappy sobbing. She wore the garb of a Providence science officer, her hair a soft brown.

"Ma'am..?" he asked, lowering the swords.

Then he heard a crash behind him, and he whipped round, seeing something in the next room topple over. Turning back to order the woman to accompany him, he seen she was gone.

"Got ya!" this was Rex, and there was an angry screech and a thump. Then silence.

"Six?" he heard Rex calling his voice, and he quickly darted next door, seeing Rex sat on the out cold EVO.

"I handled it!" the teen said smugly.

Six dismissed this, asking "did you see a woman run by?"

"Huh..?" Rex shook his head "no, i didn't see anybody, why?"

"She was here..she was crying," Six frowned "but when i turned away for a moment, she was gone..I thought.."

"She didn't go by me," Rex offered "maybe she left back the way we came?"

"Probably..what was she doing here in the first place?" Six frowned, wondering "and crying?"

Rex thought about it "maybe she lost someone, ya know, when the accident happened?"

"I guess that makes sense.." Six shook his head "nevermind then, lets go.."

He was grateful to get back into the warmer corridors, even Rex remarking that area was freezing all of a sudden.


She watched him leave, a hope stirring in her heart. Oh, he looked so much like her beloved..she had to find a way to have him to herself, so she wouldnt feel so lonely anymore...


Six didnt think about the crying woman at all after that. His logical mind simply told him she'd gotten scared by the swords and had run away, probably upset like Rex had said. But she'd moved so silently, it had made him shiver. The freezing air he attributed to a glitch in the heating systems.

Six wasnt a beleiver in ghosts.

A beleif that would soon cause him a whole lot of grief..

That night he found himself troubled by strange dreams..blurred images. Flames, shouting...sometimes a voice, screaming in unabashed misery...

He woke up abruptly, feeling cold again. Slipping from the bed he went to the thermostsat, it had dropped suddenly, plunging the room into the cold end of the spectrum.

He sighed, was the whole building on the fritz now?

A glance at his watch told him it was 6:30 am...he figured he may as well get up.

So he dressed in his familiar green suit and left to get an early breakfast.


When he got back that evening the room was warm again. A note on the cabinet informed him a providence tech had been to sort it out at his request.

Throwing the suit neatly over a chair he stepped into the shower, the peaceful roar of the water erasing the days stress...

A rattle and a thunk startled him, and he'd gotten a towel wrapped round him and had dove into the main room after barely two seconds had passed.

Nothing, and nobody there. He scowled, wondering if he was losing it.

Then he felt something icy cold touch his back and he swore, whipping round. Nothing.

"Knock it off.." he growled to himself "you're acting foolish.."

Even so, he stood there a few seconds more, water dripping onto the carpet.

Then he shook himself, reminding himself he wasnt some newbie, acting like a startled kid wasn't what his training had taught him. Pushing the incident to the back of his mind he quickly dressed, shutting off the shower, listening to the silence. Peace and quiet.

Then he noticed his suit no longer lay on the chair, but crumpled on the floor by it. He felt a vauge sense of uenase. He KNEW he'd left it neatly arranged...hadn't he?  Ignoring it, he just went straight to bed, drifting asleep after some tossing and turning.


He was awoken by a sensation. Someone touching his face, cold fingers brushing his forehead..

He tried to wake up, but it was like moving in treacle, his whole body felt heavy...Managing to open his eyes, he seen someone leaning over him, gently caressing his cheek..that same woman!

This connection severed the haze occupying his brain and he scrambled back, with a little too much speed, and fell out of the bed. He heard the door alert bleep, but by the time he got up, it was closed again. The bathroom door was wide open too, when he'd left it closed the night before.

His mind a muddle, he grabbed his communicator, calling security..


"An intruder?" Holiday asked incredulously when he arrived in the kitchen later on.

"Im sure of it. She was standing right by the bed. Soon as i woke up she ran for it.."

Holiday chuckled "that's pretty weird...did you get a good look at her?"

"Not really...she was dressed same as you, lab coat.."

"So she's a doctor on base?" Holiday frowned. "It shouldn't be too hard to find her right?"

"So i'm hoping, but there are at least a dozen women that fit her description...i didn't get a close enough look at her.." he shook his head "i don't understand why this woman would break into my quarters, then just stand by the bed. I can understand a thief but.."

"It could just be that she likes you?" Holiday said, earning a glare, "What? She might do. She wouldn't be the first."

"What does THAT mean?" Six asked.

She shook her head "oblivious, figures. So say she has a massive crush on you..." she frowned "even then, creeping into someones room and staring at them while they're alseep IS a tad creepy. Me, i'd just settle for secretly staring at them when i think they're not looking. B&E, noo..."

"Its annoying." Six shook his head "whoever she is, i need to find her, get it into her head she's lucky i dont keep the Magna Blades under the pillow."

Holiday chuckled "i'm sure security will track her down.."


But Six seemed distracted the rest of that day, the strange intruder still on his mind.

When he got back he was informed they'd found no signs of tampering on the door lock, but they'd changed it for him anyway. Six thanked the security as they left, and locked the door behind him. He felt tired...all he wanted was to sleep.

He crossed to the bed and flopped onto it. Really, it was as if he had no energy..Then he passed out and thought of nothing further.


It was the same dream again. But this time it was clearer. He could see the flames flickering, hear a womans voice, sobbing and begging to be released, to go into the flames. She needed something in there...or badly it was breaking her heart...


The next day was distraction free, in that his room wasnt busted into. He resolved to find that woman and at least give her a stern telling off. He could've lashed out, attacked her.

Security turned up no new leads, his vauge fuzzy description of the woman not enough to go on. She could've just borrowed the uniform coat, she might have been one of the temporary workers they'd hried from an agency to get the computers up to date.

The halloween dance was two days away, and Rex was stil as eager as ever, which meant he paid less attention then ever. But Six seemd distracted too.

The teen EVO noticed his handler kept spacing out, and kept complaining the room felt cold. Rex wondered if he was getting sick?

The dreams still occupied Six's mind, his attempts to recall the womans face as futile as ever. The dream bothered him too...why did they crying voice feel familiar?

He didn't notice Holiday scrutinizing him when he went to give her the reports. But she noticed he seemed pale and tired. He also didn't seem to be paying any attention. So she decided to try a test.

"Earth to Six?" no response, he was staring into space. "oi, gorgeous."

STILL nothing. He hadnt even noticed THAT. Something was wrong.

"SIX!" she snapped, and he jumped.

"Sorry mind was....elsewhere."

"Somewhere near the coast, judging by how long it took to hurry back.." she responded, then softened slightly "hey, you feeling OK? You seem tired.."

"I.." he sighed "i haven't slept well lately."

"It is because of that break-in?" she asked.

" not really...just bad dreams is all."

"Get some rest...i'll handle Rex's look wiped out."

He hesitated a moment "thank you Doctor, i appreicate the help.."

"No problem, its what i'm here go.." she ushered him into the hall, watching as he wandered absently off towards his rooms.

--He really DOES seem out of sorts...-- she frowned.

An idea forming in her mind she fired off an email to the security department, asking for access to thier database. It would take awhile for them to get back to her, so she busied herself setting up the new tests for Rex..


Partway down the hall his phone beeped, and he pulled it out, seeing it was a message from Holiday.

[My mind wandered, it was unfamilair terriritory - unknown quoter =)]

He chuckled, getting the joke. She'd never sent him a message before, he figured she was trying to cheer him up.

He zoned out, thinking about some of the stupid quotes Rex came out with, some alot like this one, idiotic but amusing.

Then someone, unmistakably, groped his butt. He jumped, hearing someone giggle. He twitched, peering behind him to give the ass-grabber a good smack. But he was alone. Sighing, he figured the person had darted back round the corner and hidden. Or run away. NO point in chasing them now.

But he felt his face flush with embarassment all the same. Then realisation hit him, it'd been a womans laugh. Coincidence..?

Idly he hit the "reply" button on the phone..


Holiday blinked as a message arrived one her phone from Agent Six.

[Seen her again, she tried to get a little too close.]

She blinked, sent one back, [close? What, she grab your ass or something?]

['d you know?] came the reply. She burst out laughing, barely able to type a response back.

[Oh that definatly settles it, she CRAZY fancies you. Don't get too worried, everybody gets an assgrab at some point, think of it as part of normal life.]

[....very funny.] was the reply, but she could sense the sarcasm coming off the typed text.

She couldn't help laughing, interrupted seconds later by the beep of another message.

[Stop laughing.] he'd sent.

['d you know?] she mimiced his reply from earlier.

[..."think of it as part of normal life"...] he quoted back.

"Smartass." she said. Then he rang her proper, still sounding tired.

"Its a little creepy. Would YOU go around grabbing someones butt?"

"What, your's in particular or just anyone's?" she shot back.

"I give up." he groaned "your as bad as Rex.."

"I'll take that as a compliment," she chuckled. "seriously though, it sounds like it's just an over zealous crush..she'll probably own up to it soon, come talk to you face to face instead of running off"

"Hopefully, by the sounds of it she needs her common sense checked."

"Forget about it for now, just go to bed or something.."

"Good idea. Bye," then he cut off.

Holiday giggled some more to herself.

--Gotta give this woman points...i wouldn't be brave enough to just sneak up behind him and cop a feel. I WISH..--


Six did as she suggested, pushing the matter to the back of his mind as he arrived at his quarters.


He curled up on the bed, the soft sensation of the covers drawing him rapidly into slumber. In the space of a few minuites he was fast asleep. His last thoughts were; Holiday was right...he DID need sleep. She said he looked tired..wait, hadn't she also called him "gorgeous?"

Then he blacked out.


A soft voice, speaking to him. It sounded happy, yet its tone was blurred by sadness.

He felt aware of a faint chill. It ran down his side, rushing across his chest...then it pressed against his cheek, and the voice spoke again.

Slow realisation this wasn't right pulled him awake. He forced his eyes open, seeing a blurry shape crouching over him on the bed.

As his vision cleared he realised it was HER again. He tried to speak, to shout for security, but she pre-empted him. Cold fingers pressed against his lips, and he felt curiously leaden, unable to move, voice paralyzed.

She was speaking, but he couldn't make the words out. Her expression was so sad, why?

"I wont let them take you away from me.." her voice suddenly clarified, yet it seemed to come from inside his head.

--Who are you?-- he tried to speak, but couldnt manage a single word.

She shook her head, shushing him again, then, before he could piece together what she meant, she leaned in and kissed him.

His whole body felt like it'd been dunked into a pool of ice, he felt the chill pierce right through to the bone, but he couldn't move, couldn't fight her off him. With every passing second everything grew hazier and hazier...then he blacked out.


He was standing in a corridor, one full of flames. But he couldn't feel the heat at all. He heard screams, seen formless shapes rushing past him away from the heat. But one lingered, its arms outstretched, its voice beseeching him to go with her, keep her safe.

Against his will he turned towards it, seeing his hand stretch out towards hers...

--NO!-- he thought --This isn't right...i dont belong here...--

Then a shrill scream burst into his thoughts and the illusion was severed, dreams tearing apart like tissue paper.


He awoke with a gasp, struggling to breathe..

The shrill screech was the phone..still gasping for air he scrabbled for it.

"...yes..?" he said sharply.

"Six?" it was Holiday "are you OK?"


"I've been trying to call you for over an hour.."

"Sorry...i..i mustve been more tired then i thought..."

"You OK, you sound a little....freaked out.."

"She was here again."

"In your room?"  Holiday asked, frowning at the computer screen as she put the phone on speaker.

"Yes, and this time...i seen her face.."

"See if you can draw me a picture...i have an idea how to catch her without alerting her to it..shes obviously a bit doo-lally.."


Looking at the clock he seen it was 7pm..


He dropped in an hour later clutching a sheet of paper. She frowned in concern when she noticed he seemed even more pale then before.

"That it?" she nodded at the paper, and he wordlessly handed it over.

The woman depicted was a pretty one. Slim, almost elfen features, short cropped feathery brown hair.

"She's pretty" Holiday remarked "looks young too.."

"That's her..i dont know how she did it, but she got in a second time."

"What did she do this time...?" Holiday asked.

"She was...just sat on the bed..when i woke up she was clutching my hand...then she just ran off.." he lied about the kiss, the sense of dread itd brought with it. He knew Holiday would pronounce him either nuts, or hilariously unfortunate.

"Hm, she's escalating her attempts...first she grabs your butt, then this..although the butt-grabbing may have been crime of oppertunity, its rare YOU arent alert 100%.."

"Whoever she is, she's putting a lot of effort into not letting me see her until now..shes running and hiding, like its a game.."

"Confirms my theory she may have a slight difficulty re: the mind" Holiday raised an eyebrow "Maybe you resemble someone she likes...or liked. Someone she played these games with.."

"I didn't bother alerting security...if she really is slightly disturbed, it could make things worse.."

Holiday nodded "Like i said i have an idea..i requested the staff directory, of everyone whos EVER worked here, hopefully, once i scan this, it'll find a match.."

He nodded "Right.."

She frowned "you really don't look too well.." on impulse she reached out and touched his cheek with the back of her hand "your freezing.."

"Im ok..." he lied, but he looked white as a sheet.

She guided him to the storeroom just off the main lab area, where a delightfully comfy couch resided. She'd often taken naps on it herself. The room had two doors, one opening into the corridor, and one opening into the lab.

"Lie down here...its peaceful, and warm..i'll wake you if the sketch gets a match, ok?"

He just nodded dopily, wobbling over to the couch. She opened a cupboard, retrieving a comfy patchwork blanket she kept for her naps. It was big, fluffy and warm, perfect for a chilled agent...

Turning she seen he was already fast asleep, curled up on the couch. Smiling faintly she tucked the blanket around him, pressing a hand to his forehead to see if he had a fever. Felt normal, albeit a little cold..

--Ive never seen him like this...his conditions declined so fast..-- she resolved to find out who his creepy stalker/admirer was, so at least thad't be one less thing for him to fret over.

She dozed off at her station, waking when a loud bleep startled her. It was 11:00 at night! about late shift..-- she was alone in the lab, bar Agent Six. She'd often worked late, dozing as needed, so security had long since stopped trying to send her out. They were used to her workaholic ways. Oddly, Agent Six was the same, the amount of times they'd clocked him leaving his office at 2am!

Turning her attention to the screen she seen it'd found a result.

"Mia Harkham" was the womans name, she was only 25.

Then she read the rest of the bio, and she froze.

"DECEASED" was stamped across the file.

"No way...this cant be right.." she checked the picture Six had drawn aagin. He was pretty good as an artist, the likeness was undisputable. But this woman was dead, how could she be stalking him?

Scrolling down the file she read Mia had taken an overdose after losing her lover and fiance in the fire that wrecked the 4th science wing.

--Poor woman...she loved him so much she couldn't bear to be without him...thats so sad..-- holiday clicked on the name listed for the fiance. And stared again.

No doubt about it, he had an odd resemblance to Agent Six. Thier faces had a similarity, and hair style & colour. The dead fiances was slightly longer, but the style was similar.


Rex was on a midnight food raid. On his way back from the kitchen he took a shortcut past Holiday's lab, and spotted the light was still on.

Poking his head round the door he seen she was staring at her computer screen, looking worried sick.

"Doc?" he asked.

She jumped "Rex?! God you scared me.." she sighed "what're you doing up?"

"Fridge raid, you?"

"A favor.."

"Must be important if youre up this late.."

Deciding to trust Rex, she gave him a rundown of Six's peculiar attacker.

"And this is her? But she's dead..i don't get it?" Rex frowned "poor lady...guess she was hit pretty bad by it huh?"

"So it seems.."

Rex squinted at the writing "the fire? Weird, we were in there just a few days back..chasing an escaped EVO.."

"Really?" she asked, wonderng..

"Yeah.." something dawned on Rex "Six said he seen a woman then too, only briefly, but she was crying.."

Holiday put it together and could only shake her head "it's unbelievable, but it seems to be the only explanation.."


"It makes sense now...who does this guy look like?" she showed the fiances image.

" Six.." Rex said numbly.

"Nobodys really been in there except to fix it, so she can't have seen Six until now. My guess is, he reminded her so strongly of her lost lover, she followed him back here. By the sounds of it, she's been trying to contact him ever since..."

"Has he seen her..?"

"Yes, thats where i got the picture from. But until the most recent sighting, she was just a blurry outline, he said he only seen her clearly the second time she showed up in his room.."

"In his-? You mean she was able to open the door? If she's a ghost"

Holiday frowned, typing something into the internet, then she nodded. "here,"

Rex read from the page "in some cases ghosts are able to contact psychicly sensitive people. It is said they can draw energy from people and places, and, using thier own grief as a catalyst, are capable of touching the real world once again.."

He shook his head "man thats creepy.."

"But, Rex.." Holiday frowned "it IS nearly halloween...think about it. People start to beleive in spirits more and more around this time. It probably makes it easier for them to appear, going on what this site says.."

"So she's going after Six, because he reminds her of her dead boyfriend?"

"Seems so...he told me he distinctly felt her holding his hand on the last attempt..i dont think he's making it up."

"Yeah, Six doesnt even get scared of EVOs, why would he make up a ghost? He doesnt even seem to care its halloween, he ignored the dance anytime i mentioned it.."

"So it's looking very real..."

"Where is he?" Rex asked "i havent seen him all day."

Holiday indicated the storeroom "asleep in there...he wasn't feeling too well, so i told him to lie down.."

While holiday mused over how to tell this ghost she couldnt keep following Agent Six around, Rex crept over to the door..

" might wanna come look at this.."

Holiday looked up at Rex's tone, and ran over to the doorway "oh heck.."

The room was empty. The agent had vanished. The blanket was strewn across the floor, and his phone lay abandoned by the door..

"Where'd he go?" Rex asked.

It all clicked, and Holiday went white.

""Some ghosts will often re-enact thier final moments, or a traumatic incident in thier lives..", oh crap..." she repeated what she'd been reading off the website.

"Eh?" Rex asked.

"Shes repeating the moments where she last seen her fiance. I think we'll find six in that empty wing..we have to hurry.."

"Why is she doing this? Is she gonna hurt him?" Rex wondered as they ran.

"I dont know..but it seems like shes already taken a lot from him, he's been getting more and more lethargic and worn out these last few days. Inadvertantly, shes taking everything from him, she's so depserate to erase what she felt when she lost her fiance.."

They ran as fast as they could through the empty corridors, Rex noticed the security cameras seemed to be focusing in the wrong directions.


He wandered on autopilot, only faintly aware he shouldn't be doing this. But he could hear her crying, and he instinctvely went to try help. No matter how close he got, she always seemed further away, so he kept running, stumbling as his already weakened body struggled to cope..

He barely noticed where he was until he entered the sealed-off wing. Then the cold became unbearable. He shivered, the air misting everytime he breathed.

"Please..." he could see her now, standing in front of him, arms outstretched, tears in her eyes.

A part of his mind told him to run, not to go to her. But she'd had enough contact with him to coax his mind into ignoring the common sense. He stepped forward..

Once he was close enough she moved, her arms wrapping around him, her head resting on his shoulder. She was icy to the touch, the cold seeping into his own body, he struggled to breathe properly..

"I'm so happy i found you again...i won't let anyone take you away again.."

He swayed on his feet, body in shock from the severe cold, what little energy he had, she was taking..

"Everythings OK now.." she whispered, another eerily real kiss following this decisive statement. She felt real, solid as any real person...yet he could see the faint outlines of the lab table behind her..through her.

--Shes a...ghost?-- The last thing he heard was someone screaming his name, then his vision greyed out, and he crumpled to the floor...


They burst in just in time to see the woman step back letting go of the agent as he collapsed.

"SIX?!" Holiday cried.

The woman looked up, eyes narrowing as she seen Holiday. This woman was going to take her love away from her..

"I won't let you take him from me.." she snarled, kneeling by six. Ignoring thier presence she brushed a hand against the unconcious agents cheek. Holiday took a step forward, but felt a freezing wall of air shove her back..

"You don't understand Mia!" holiday panicked, Six didnt look so healthy "he's not who you think he is!! Your fiance...Marco...he died. He died in that fire...but he loved you, i know he did. He wouldnt want you to do this, would he?"

The ghost faltered, leaning close to Six as if about to kiss him again. Then she shook her head "youre lieing, you just want to take him away from me!"

"He's not your boyfirend!" Rex blurted "he's not the same guy..i know he LOOKS like him, but he's not! Please, he's our friend..he has people who care about him like you did for this Marco guy.."

"I was alone," she cried "for so long...then he came here, he spoke so kindly to me, he SEEN me...nobodys seen me..ive been alone.."

"Marco's waiting for you...but you have to move on.." Holiday pleaded "He's waiting on the other side...but as long as you stay with wont see him. And you'll kill him...please...your so desperate to keep him, your going to kill him if you don't let him go.."

The ghost looked up at last, seeing Holiday on the verge of tears..

"He is important to you..?" she asked. Holiday nodded "VERY...we dont want to lose him.."

The ghost looked sadly from Holiday to Six, tears falling to the floor..

"Marco.." she cried, burying her head in her hands. "I tried to go back..but they wouldnt let me...said it was too dangerous, nobody couldve survived back there once it got so severe...but i couldnt bear to think.."

"I understand..." Holiday whispered "You didn't want to beleive it, so you tried to be with him in death. But you were angry at Providence for not trying hard enough, weren't you ended up being stuck here.."

Mia nodded, but as she cried a light suddenly blossomed into existance behind her.

Holiday and Rex couldnt see what was on the other side, but Mia, suddenly ifted her head from her hands.

"Marco...oh Marco.." she held her hands out "you came.."

"Whoa.." Rex stared "what's going on?"

"Her grief must've summoned him from the other side...he's come to take her home.."

The ghost looked back over her shoulder "you brought my Marco.."

"NO...YOU did," Rex said suddenly "you remembered what the guy you wanted to marry looked like, what he WAS like...and he must've heard you.."

"Thank you.." she looked at him and Holiday "i was jealous...of him, of how attached he was to you...i wanted to take him away, as that fire stole my beloved. But now i see i was a fool...Marco was calling me all along, i was too angry to see it.."

Then she walked into the gleaming light, and for an instant, the two seen a handsome man wrapping his arms around her, holding her close...then the light vanished.

"Six?!" Holiday raced over to him. Checking his pulse she felt it was very weak, he was freezing to the touch.

Rex changed into his "Rex Ride" mode and she and the unconcious agent were whizzed back to the medical bay.


The offcial explanation they gave was they'd gone to investigate some odd readings from that area and an already unwell Six had collapsed from the cold.

Aside from the cold he seemed fine, albeit very tired. Holiday wrapped him in thermal blankets and quickly hooked up a drip feed.

She sent Rex to bed, but went to sleep in the couch-room next door, worrying about Six..

As she snoozed, she thought back to what Mia had said "i was jealous of how attached he was to YOU". Did she mean that? Had she been able to sense what was on Six's mind, a connection?

--I if he'd ever ask me out..ive worked with him all these years, and he barely notices me..--

She drifted off properly then, Six still on her mind..


Six was drifting in a dreamscape, light and dark flowing randomly about.

"Im sorry.." he blinked, seeing the ghost hovering in front of him.

"You..?" he asked.

"My name is Mia. I lost someone i loved so long ago in that lab where you spoke to me. You brought many memories of him. How much i missed him, loved him. I was jealous, so i tried to make you come with replace the loved one i lost..couldn't find in the darkness.."

She bowed her head "i hope you can forgive me, i never meant to hurt you. i just...wanted the pain to go away.."

Six stared "im not him.."

"I know.." she said, looking up "she helped me realise that...she and that boy...they helped me find Marco again...hes waitng for me now, this is the last time i can come to this plane...but i wanted to apollogise.."

Six wasnt sure what to say. She was a ghost...and she'd been haunting him? Because he looked like her dead lover? It was beyond weird, yet he sensed she was contrite. She meant what she said.

"I'm glad you found him," he said at last "but whos this "she"?"

"A woman..shes on your mind a lot. I was jealous of her...she occupies so much of your mind....yet she doesnt know.." the ghost smiled "she and the boy...they came to get you.."

Suddenly the penny dropped "Rex...and Holiday..?"

"Yes..that's her, the black haired woman..she was prepared to give anything to get you to're on HER mind too i sense.."

Six couldnt say much to that, he was getting datign advice from a ghost? Could this week get any wierder?

"Farewell.." she smiled "find YOUR loved one, then you wont be alone any more..." then she was gone, and the view aroudn him was blurring, shifting...


"Six?" a gentle voice, calling his name, warm hands grasping his shoulders. He coughed, opening his eyes.

It was Holiday, leaning over him, looking concerned.

"Whuh..?" he asked.

"You were fidgeting about, nearly dislodged the drip...were you having a bad dream again?"

He thought about it "No...just an unusual one..."

She nodded, and was halfway back to the monitor next to his bed when he spoke again.


She jumped "how did you..?"

He sighed softly "it was her in my dream...she told me her name, said she was sorry. Said you and Rex came to find me.."

Holiday nodded "i was terified you were going to die...she'd drained a lot of energy from you all this time. Wether she meant to or not, she was on her way to killing you.."

Six sighed "thank you and Rex both.."

She nodded, but she looked a little upset "i can understand her be apart from someone you love so much, that has to hurt. But i couldnt let her take you.." she frowned "she kept saying that, kept saying she didnt want anyone taking you away.."

"I think she was jealous.." Six said softly.

"Of what?" Holiday asked, sitting by the edge of the bed, one hand resting on the blankets, not far from his.

" it seems." Six spoke.

"" she said, blushing.

"I dont was something she said.." Six felt suddenly self concious.

"She seemed like the romantic type...i guess..she probably played matchmaking when she was alive.."

She made to get up, but Six suddenly siezed her hand, pulling her onto the bed. She sat down with a startled squeak.

"Si-?" she didnt even finish the same syllable, as he sat up, still clasping her hand, and kissed her.

She blushed bright red. His hand was warm...

It felt like she was slowly melting away, the unexpected kiss catching her by surprise.

But as he let her go she suddenly wanted it to she squeezed his hand and returned the kiss. Was she dreaming? Nope, this was real...

After a minuite or two they eventually parted, both blushing bright red. Not a colour she normally seen Agent Six go..

"Guess she knew what she was on about.." Holiday said at last.

"Seems so.." Six responded.

Taking a chance, Holiday reached up and gently lifted his glasses off. He didnt make any objection, in fact he took the glasses and dumped them on the side table.

She smiled, running her fingers through his hair, brushing against his cheek.

"Thank you." he said at last.

"What for?" she asked.

"Bringing me back...i'd have probably been lost if you hadn't found me.."

Holiday blushed "i was angry, and scared...that she wanted to take you away. I didn't want you to go anywhere, without at least telling you ive had a crush on you since day one.."

He went red this time "day one..?"

"Yup," she chuckled "at first i thought you were kinda cold, standoffish. Then you brought me Rex, you said you beleived in a cure. I admired your efforts..then, i guess, i finally noticed you were mind-distractingly gorgeous.."

"So whenever i spoke to you after that...the reason you barely said anything.."

"I was afraid i'd blurt out something stupid. Eventually i calmed down, when i realised i probably never stood a chance. Half the women on base felt the same way, and i didn't have the guts to try anything.." she giggled "i had to admire Mia for daring to grab your butt, id never have had the guts to do that.."

To her surprise Six laughed, his shoudlers shaking as he tried to muffle it.

"Dont laugh!" Holiday said, jabbing his shoulder "im serious! She's braver then i am...i just settled for living in my dreams.."

To shut him up from laughing she grabbed his tie and hauled him in for a daring snog. After another (sortof) heated kiss, she let him go.

"For your information," he blurted, bright red "you stood more chance then anyone else here. I never knew what i supposed to say to you, so i stayed silent, figured either you'd say something...or i'd eventually get my head around it.."

She giggled "we're both hopeless...guess we owe Mia that one huh?"

"Yup.." he chuckled, stil holding her hand..


Rex noticed Holiday seemed very happy when next he seen her. He also noticed she and Six seemed to be talking a lot more. Twice when he stuck his head into the med bay, she was sat by his bed, chattering away to him.

But towards the afternoon of that day Six noticed Holiday seemed a little distracted. He was pretty much recovered, all he'd needed was a good nights sleep and some shots.

"Whats wrong?" he asked her as he exited the bathroom, having changed into a clean suit.

"Its nothing.." she shook her head. But when she looked up at him a second later, he didnt look as if he believed her.

"Seriously!" she said, but he still stared.

Then he seemed to realise something "the dance.."

"Huh?" she blinked, busted.

He smiled faintly "you wanted to go mentioned it back then..." he noticed her fidget, and knew he'd hit the nail on the head. Taking a deep breath he extended his arm "so...shall we? i beleive its just started.."

She looked up at him, a big smile appearing on her face. Beaming she took his arm and gave him a quick kiss as a reward for guessing correctly.

"Oh, lemme just grab something-" she reluctantly let go and vanished into a storage cupboard.

Six smiled, staring at the far wall, ruminating over the odd set of events. A ghostly case of affection had brought him and Holiday together. He supposed he couldn't stay mad at Mia for what she'd the end her intentions had been innocent, if a little misguided.

Then, he felt a sense of deja-vu, and hand-on-rear-end. He peered over his shoulder, expecting to see...

"Yeeah.." Holiday chuckled, re-linking his arm "THAT one, you CAN blame on me.."

He just laughed as they set off together.


"This. Kicks. ass." Rex confirmed. Noah nodded. He was dressed as a vampire, and Rex as a cyborg (ironic choice).

Girls were grouped by the punch bowl, but a few kept casting glances at the two boys.

"Yup," Noah smiled at a brunette, who blushed and smiled back.

"Hey guys.." this was Bobo "halloweens a day when like, totally unexpected stuffs OK to happen right?"

"Yeah, why?" Rex asked. The chimp pointed at two people that'd just popped up seemingly from nowhere. They stood by the window, standing romanticly close to each other.

"Oh. My. GOD." Rex's jaw dropped.

"Is...that Doc Holiday and green bean?" Bobo screeched.

Rex rubbed his eyes, and stared again "no mistake..its them."

"Whys THAT unusual?" Noah asked.

"Uh, because normally Six acts about as romantic as a rubber plant, that enough for ya?" Rex answered.

"Like i said....halloween," Bobo nodded, as if this explained everything that was odd.

Holiday had taken her hair down from its bun, and Six had managed to "forget" his sunglases somewhere between the hospital and the dance hall (actually, Holiday had nicked them, and claimed it was under doctors orders her patient needed to go without 'em for a few hours).

Then Rex discovered Six had another talent he'd never have expected the guy to have. Co-ordination re: a dance.

It was one of those romantic dance songs, and Rex and Noah had both managed to get the attentions of a girl so they could join in.

As they were awkwardly managing to meet the standards for dancing, the girl with Noah turned her head, spotting something across the floor.

"Aw, look...that pair must be pro.."

Rex stared. He'd seen Six dismember EVOs with an almost surgical precision. But the ninja-nanny apparantly had the wherewithal to apply said talent, to dancing with Doctor Holiday. It looked like somethign out of a movie, he didn't miss a movement, didn't trip over his feet like the teens were. Holiday herself must have taken classes at some point, because between the two, Noah's date was right, they looked like a couple of pros at a dance-off.

"Wish i had a camera.." Bobo remarked.

"Wouldnt bother...Six would somehow find it and destroy it...the guys a freakin NINJA man.."

Bobo nodded at what Noah pointed out "true, and i value my remaining brain cells.."


The next day Rex couldnt help asking Six;

"Where'd you learn to do that?"

"Do what Rex?" he asked blankly.

"That..that dancing thing...surely One didnt teach you that..did he?" Rex asked.

Six shrugged "nobody taught me anything." he said shortly "i just worked it out from what ive seen on TV."

Rex glowered at his back "show off." he muttered softly.

"I heard that."

"Damnit!" Rex cursed, and Six just sniggered.
XD I couldnt help writing this once the idea popped into my head. Its the first seasonal fic ive ever written...i think.

Anyways, more Holix stuff at the end =D.

GAH, sodding spellchecker....bleh, think thats fixed it now, had to re-type part of it there..

The title is from a song by the same name by Stone Sour, its good~

Generator Rex (c) Man of Action
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crypids's avatar
WOW i love this